Lift and Separate – DB Heroes Episode 6 and 7

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Hear Vapin Mike do his best recap of Dragon Ball Heroes episode 6 and episode 7 while I sing the background music. We also talk briefly about how best to wipe your ass, and comment on Carlton fatman river dancing in a rage over the fridge.

ALSO, survey link below! Here’s your big chance to share what you love and/or hate, vote on your favorite Super Dope co-host and tell us what anime you want to hear us talk about in the future!

Thank you to those who have completed it! If you left us a review on either Apple Podcasts or our Facebook page,  I’m stuffing envelopes today (for those who sent me an address!). If you want me to drop a little token of appreciation in the mail for you, please do the following:

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4. Patiently wait by the mailbox and don’t be salty with your mail carrier if it takes a week or two.

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Thanks everyone!

Kyle and the Super Dope Gang

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